Toy Piano Pieces - Tura New Music


Tura New Music commisioned me to write a solo toy piano work for the Tura Adapts 2020 Commisions: No Borders. This series creates new works specifically designed for online delivery to reflect the reality of isolation in a world where even intra-state borders are being shut down.

The new work, Little Requiem in the form of 3 Antique Dances, has been recorded for online release by Spanish pianist Carmen Morales. Carmen also created video art for the online presentation.

Carmen writes of the accompanying video:

Maps, lines, wires.

We live in a society that tells us that there are no boundaries, no frontiers, that we live in a global world. However, these limits are currently more present than ever. Perhaps these lines do not represent borders, but the differences between humans: social, economical and philosophical. A uniform society we are not. The richness of our thoughts, ways of life, and experimentation in arts: these are the ways we can break the new lines of limitation.

The combination of the sweet timbre of the toy piano, the antique air of the music, and the mystery of the imagery represent such differences. Together they make a unity.

Dedicated to the friends and families of those who were taken too soon, Little Requiem explores the limits in what is believed to be a globalised world.Littl...


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Three Interludes - Solo Piano